Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Protect our home, protect the earth, remain its peace!

      Hmm, a week of mid semester break has just passed. Meanwhile, natural disasters once again attacked the world. People, do pray for the American, the Canadian. Disastrous wind and flood destroyed everything, disrupted the world peace. Sigh... 
      Somehow I wonder what would happen on this coming 21st December 2012, some said the world-end-day, some said a 3 days black-out and some say stars will fall into earth by breaking into the atmosphere layer. Hmm... 

      Know what, before returning to Sarawak when I was on my way to the LCCT airport, all the way long  what we can seen was the palm oil trees, the estates all are flooded. The fences are exposed only around 15cm on its top. 2 days rain non-stop, a super great damn big hell lot of birds flew away during a min of rain pause in between. And dolphins were seen in Penang Island.

      What the hell is wrong with humans, why can't they take responsibility to take care of the earth, the nature? STOP destroying the earth even if humans plan to not live in this planet because other living organism needs this planet very much! Please!

      I've got 3 exams left which are all core course and calculation (my weakness), at least 5 assignments, and revision to be done, YET, I still wanted to spend a few minutes right here to invoke terrible people, selfish humans, PLEASE!!! Protect our earth, protect our home, for you, for the next generation, and for all the living organism in this EARTH!!!

      People, Do Love the Nature!

1 comment:

  1. Like ur spirit! =) tak sia sia saya buat exhibition masa f6! really hope that this kind of awareness can spread out!
