Monday, March 4, 2013

New Chapter of Life

Yo guys, what's up there?? It's time for me to update some latest status of mine at here. For ya'll information, I've migrated to a new environment in Sarawak, Kuching. There are four housing area Uni Capital, Uni Square, Uni Garden and Uni Vista opposite of my university which normally for students who got kicked out from the hostel. I was staying in Uni Vista which is the furthest distance to my university and migrated to Uni Capital now. It is a very good environment for me compare to the previous one. RM150 each month with Full NEW furniture provided, included utilities fees and most important is that holiday time do not have to pay for the rental. Isn't this is too perfect? haha~ 
 Reasons for me to move are Cheaper rental and nearer to a gym, Iron Hardcore Gym. It is just next to my room now, only a wall separating me and the gym, Lol~

Oops, another information for you guys, I started joining this gym a get a few sifus at there and get the advice and guide from them to make myself bulky. They are serious shit big in size, like hulk? know the hulk? the green monster? lol~~~

Besides changing my living environment, I also making changes on my daily dietary plan. Usually I get up at 9am to prepare my high protein breakfast before start working out at the gym.

An example of my dietary plan on Monday

9 am- Breakfast: Oats + Milo, 2 half boiled eggs (without yolk) = Pre workout protein

10am- Hit the gym until around 11am

11 am- Protein shakes = Post workout protein

12 pm- Lunch: More Vegetables and Meat with sufficient rice (carbohydrates) for a day

5 pm-Dinner: Reduced portion of Rice/Noodles/Kuey Teow (little carbohydrates)

9 pm- Oats + Plan Water, 2-4 half boiled eggs (without yolk)

  • NO carbohydrates after 7PM
  • Must have enough 8 hours sleep a day for hormone to generate
  • Try to not taking too much of yolks as the latest study shows that taking much of yolks equivalent to smoking cigarettes
  • Workout in gym is to make the muscles torn, so that the muscles able to grow. In order for stimulating the growth, high protein must be consume and the best time to consume is after workout not beyond half an hour (30 minutes)
  • Plan ahead your dietary every day
  • Be sure you are highly determined and never skip for working out even having aches on muscles (it is a good phenomenon)
  • Carbohydrates will transformed in to fats but without carb, your day will be dull and lack of energy. Sufficient carb is good for muscles building. Plan ahead your dietary!
  • Do not starve, once you starve means you are actually transforming amino acids and other kind of acids into energy and this will stops your muscles growing as the amino acids are important for building up muscles tissue.
  • Take weight gainer protein when you want to bulk your size and whey protein when you wanna maintain your muscles.

And yeah, this is the weight gainer I consume, Mega Gain, Goliath. (RM140)

MEGA GAIN™ is a powerful mass benefitting support formula designed to advertize size on the most unmanageable gainers. This powerful formula delivers more protein, calories and amino acids per serving than any other product of it is kind on the market. We emphasize the amount of protein per serving since it is the necessary nutrient that promotes muscle mass. We use only cross flow micro-filtered, cold processed, ion-exchanged whey protein. This protein has a superior amino acid profile and unbeatable bioavailability, is low in lactose and is instantized for easy mixing without a blender. You plainly will not find a protein of this grade applied in other muscle gain formulas. This formula likewise holds a distinctive blend of carbohydrates and amino acids to support fuel and support weight training. Fat, though shunned by some, is a highly concentrated energy source (double that of protein or carbohydrates). Fat is also a necessary factor of all cell membranes, nerve coverings, digestive secretions and, most importantly, hormone production. A diet too low in fats may genuinely impair growth. For these reasons, little amounts of fat are contained in MEGA GAIN™. For greatest or most complete or best possible results, combine MEGA GAIN™ with a sensible diet and intense training program. MEGA GAIN™ may also be added to ISOLOID to heighten size, strength and power.

 This is the size of the protein by comparing to the Tupperware bottle. 

I do sell protein for now at east Malaysia, Supermass- weight gainer protein and NitroTech- whey protein. Do contact me or SMS me for making order. CHEAPEST PROTEIN in KUCHING
Khor : 017-7185101

Till then. Bye!

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